Chocolate Candy Cake
I wanted cupcakes but daddy doesn't like the idea. So, I compromised. We will order a normal cake with Barney design with some cupcakes surrounding it. I have been trying to look for cupcakes and couldn't really find nice ones. As for the cake, daddy wanted to get it from The Empire Hotel where they will draw the requested pictures on a piece of chocolate which will be placed on top of the cake.
About a week before the day, I called The Empire Hotel and to our dissapointment they do not do drawing at that moment as their tools were not in working condition. I was already having difficulties getting the cupcakes and now we can't get the cake as planned.
So, I started to search for cakes again. From there, I got to know about fondant cakes, a cake which is coated by icing. The fondant cakes that we saw looks really nice but expensive. The fondant cakes was beyond our budget, we have to look for other alternatives.
Fondant Cupcakes
Fondant Cake
I then found another website and saw some nice and tastefully designed cakes and we headed straight to that shop. We went through the catalogue from their computer. They have alot of nice designs and special cakes.
We ended up choosing Croquembouche. A 60 pieces of custard puff coated with icing on top of a chocolate mud cake. I told the chef not make it too sweet for the children and she agreed to cut down on the sugar. The custard puff and the cake turned out just nice, not too sweet.
From candy cake to cupcakes surrounding a cake to fondant cupcake to fondant cake and finally Croquembouche.
Very creative indeed!
Great cake. I'd have to pay an arm and a leg here. Next time I go to Brunei, I'll order one just for fun :D
wow....everything looks so yummy!!!
Wow, very unique indeed. Must be very expensive eh? How much ar?
wat's in the centre to hold the puffs? Very unique & creative. How much? you say there are 60 corn puffs?
Happy Belated Birthday to Jesse! Poor girl, was sick during the celebration.
Wat a hunt for the b'day cake. :) But this Croquembouche cake is vy special. More importantly, it looks good AND tastes good.
shireen, its B60 with 1kg of mudcake at the bottom
irene, the top part its custard puff coated with icing on the top of the puff, inside its actually empty, a cardboard wrapped with aluminium foil which is coated with chocolate to hold the puff, coz i choose this one which comes together with 1kg of mud cake, so its B60
Can I buy online for these cakes. It really looks nice. I wanted to get for my nieces in Brunei during their birthdays.
sabrina, yes can order online but im not sure about the custom made cake, anyway just checkout http://www.patiscakeshop.com/index.htm
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