Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, June 12, 2009

SupaSave Trip

Yesterday was last day of Term 2 in school and Samuel had a school trip to SupaSave, Beribi. The children went to SupaSave with the teachers by bus.
In conjunction with the school's theme, Recycle, the students were all given a recycle bag while they shopped in Supasave. A week before the trip, they were given a shopping list for the parents to select. From the 10 items, we selected 5 items or Samuel to shop. These includes Carrots, Pears, Onions, Cauliflowers and a box of Cereal.

After shopping, they had their break at the fast food restaurant next to it, The Millenium. Parents were requsted to pick their child up and pay for their groceries at 10.45 am but by 11.00am only they started eating. Hence, we had the opportunity to take some of photos of Samuel.

While Samuel was eating, we went to shop for a few other things. Samuel came and joined us and we paid all the groceries at the cashier with Samuel.

We left SupaSave at 11.30am and went home.


MeRy said... alot.

2ma said...

this is indeed an interesting activity for kids. how i wish shan leo's kindie do have a similar activity

michelle@mybabybay said...

Next time Samuel can do all your grocery shopping.

slavemom said...

Grocery shopping as a sch excursion. That's a lot of fun!

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